Tuesday, November 11, 2014


We have two skylights in our roof and both of them are above large holes built into the ceiling to allow the light to come in.  These holes are perfect for hot air to rise into and then melt the snow and ice off the skylights.  After this last storm, there was considerable snow covering both skylights and it has been melting since.  This water runs down the roof and then forms icicles as it drips off the gutters.  One skylight is above the kitchen and the other above the loft and it drains down to drip off outside the bedroom sliding glass doors that go out to the deck and stairway to the Gazebo.  The following pictures are of the "Fangs" (icicles) that have formed since the storm was over and the snow drifts on the deck and stairway area that goes to the Gazebo.

These are the "fangs" outside the kitchen window.  They don't seem to bother the birds coming to the feeders.

These are the "fangs" outside the bedroom sliding glass door.

This is the snow drift on the deck outside the bedroom sliding glass door.

This is the same snow drift shown above from a different angle.

This is the stairway down to the Gazebo.  Won't be anymore trips down there this year.

That's the show.



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