Sunday, January 12, 2020


This weekend was the annual balloon festival here in Lake Havasu City.  It started this past Thursday and ends today.  They had a lot of wind the first couple days and couldn't fly the balloons.  They managed to get some up Saturday morning and got them all up and going today.  No wind and lots of sunshine today. Lots of pictures and have a series on one balloon that was being readied in the parking lot of the place where we eat breakfast.  It was interesting watching them get it ready and taking it off.

This is one of the ones that got up Saturday.  I took this picture from our kitchen window.

Another Saturday balloon from the kitchen window

Saturday from the kitchen window

 Saturday from the dining room window.

Same one as above, just closer.

Last Saturday balloon.

This was taken from the parking lot where we eat breakfast.  They were taking off from an area about a block away.

 One up close.

Another group shot.

A mushroom balloon.  Didn't get it real clear.

This is the one being readied in the parking lot.

Got it up off the ground.

Getting ready to take off, everybody on board for the trip.

Lifted off.

Up and away.

Another group shot.

Not sure what this one was suppose to be.

That's not a balloon.  We had a full moon a couple nights ago. 

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