Saturday, December 28, 2019


We have been in Arizona now for almost two weeks.  The weather has been a little cooler than normal and we had some rain.  It is a bright sunny day today and I have taken some pictures of the house and the scenic area we can see from the house.  It is a very nice place and will be great for this winter.

This is a shot of the driveway up to the house.  It is 56 steps long and up hill.  I make the trip at least once each day to pick up the newspaper at the bottom.  Guess that is my Cardio workout for the day.

This is a shot from the top of the driveway.

This is a shot of the view from the kitchen window.

This is a zoomed in shot of the kitchen window view.

This is a shot of the view from the dining room window. 

This is a zoomed in shot of the dining room window view.

This is a zoomed in shot of the lake that you can barely see in the previous picture.

This is a shot of the mountains from the backyard looking north.  All of the previous pictures of the views were mostly looking west.

This is a picture of the pool in the backyard.
