Sunday, January 29, 2017


This morning we met with friends at the Hualapai Mountain Resort for brunch.  They have a very nice brunch on Sunday mornings and we have gone there at least once each winter we have been in Arizona.  The resort is in the mountains near Kingman AZ.  It is at around 6,000 feet elevation.

This is the group.  From left to right is Jim, Ilene, myself, Pat, Diane, and Sara. 

Normally there are some Elk right outside the restaurant.  This year there weren't any, but there were two deer.  This is one of them.

This is the other deer.  He is a young buck.

This is a shot of the mountain side from the parking lot of the restaurant.

Another shot of the surrounding mountains.  Lots of snow.

This is a shot of Diane, Pat and Ilene outside the Colorado Bell casino where we visited last week. 



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