While moving a birdhouse that was being hit by our lawn sprinklers, I had a little mishap with the ladder. The ladder was sitting on the loose rock, which we have around the bottom of our trees, and the legs decided to fold in and send me to the ground. I hit mostly on my back and right side. Had a couple small scratches and a sore back on the lower right side. Used some Bio Freeze, Aleve and the heating pad last evening and I am back to 95% or better already today. Should be all okay by tomorrow after another good nights sleep and rest. The pictures below show the ladder all bent up and then after I cut off the bent pieces and rebuilt it. It is now a 4 foot ladder, use to be a 6 foot ladder.
You can see that the legs folded into the middle.
It was a mess and lucky I didn't really get hurt.
Front view after the repair.
Side view after the repair.
Wow, your very lucky you weren't hurt more then you were! Glad your ok, and great job on the shorter ladder!