Wednesday, May 22, 2019


We had a new bird visit our grape jelly feeder this morning that I haven't seen here before.  It is an Orchard Oriole.  Looks like a regular Oriole that got a darker dye job.  Below are two pictures of him.  It was raining a little at the time and he is fluffed up some because of that.

Orchard Oriole

Second shot of the new guy.


Saturday, May 4, 2019


My previous blog showed our backyard in the dead color of winter and then in the white color of an April snow storm.  Yesterday the guy came that cleans up our yard and de-thatches it.  He does a great job as you will see.  There was also a little rain fall after he finished and now we have a nice new green carpet.  Just one picture, but one that is much nicer to view than the ones in the previous blog.  Maybe we can get leaves on the trees and the garden planted soon.

There was a little frost last night that hasn't totally melted yet.  The sun is up and taking care of that chore.
